Automated File Security Verification

The Detection and Prevention of Ransomware, APT attack, the latest malicious code, advanced cyber threats.

MAESTRO Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform

MAESTRO Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform is the advanced security intelligence platform which detect and block advanced threats such as Ransomware, APT attack, the latest malware files entering an internal network by multi-scanning, dynamic analysis, static analysis, IP and Domain reputations, Machine learning.

  • 기업 내부망으로
    악성코드가 유입되는 것을
    사전에 차단할 수 있습니다.
  • 파일 상세 분석 메뉴를
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    결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.
  • 기업 내 모든 솔루션들의
    연동 현황을 한 눈에
    파악할 수 있습니다.
  • 직관적인 인터페이스로
    관리자의 작업 시간을
    효과적으로 절약합니다.

Maestro Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform

Automated File Security Verification Solution

Administrator Interface

The detection and prevention of advanced cyber threats
such as Ransomware, APT attack, the latest malware, etc which entering into an internal network

The introduction video of MAESTRO CTIP

The best effective cyber security threat intelligence platform
for detection and prevention against advanced cyber threats

Supported Actions

▪ Multi-Scanning

▪ Data Sanitization

▪ File Type Verification

▪ Dynamic Analysis / Static Analysis

▪ IP / Domain / URL / Email Reputation

▪ Cyber Threat Intelligence / Mechine Learning / Artificial Intelligence