MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer is a Forensic Lab for mobile Apps analysis
which can effective detect and rapidly analyze malicious mobile Apps.
It can use multi A/V scanning engines, malware sandbox(dynamic analysis & static analysis),
code analysis, IP / Domain / URL / Email reputations.

Continuous increase in
new malicious mobile app
The latest malwares are becoming intelligent and sophisticated.
The number is also increasing exponentially.
The signature based Antivirus and security solutions are not enough to detect and prevent to these days new and variant malicious codes.
In order to effectively respond to the latest malicious codes, Security solutions that support static analysis, dynamic analysis, and code analysis are required.

MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer is a Forensic Lab for mobile Apps analysis
which can effective detect and rapidly analyze malicious mobile Apps.
It can use multi-scanning, dynamic analysis, static analysis, IP / Domain / URL / Email reputations.
It can integrate with MAESTRO CTIP to raise the rate of detection and analysis.
The Detailed Analysis of Mobile Apps
[ Dynamic Analysis, Static Analsis,
Code Analysis, Multi A/V Scanning Engines ]
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer supports static analysis such as file analysis, Manifest, Permission, Code analysis, JAVA Decompiler, String. It also supports dynamic analysis like the behabiors of SMS/MMS, calls, camera, stealing information, Domain, IP, Network, etc. Malware analyst can analyze mobile Apps with simple, intuitive user interface.

The Forensic Lab for Mobile Apps Analysis
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer supports multi A/V scanning engines, malware sandbox(static and dynamic analysis), IP / Domain / URL / Email reputations.

Smart Queue for Analysis
With selecting mobile Apps which malware analyst want to analyze, MAESTRO Mobile Analyzer inserts these Apps into smart queue so analyst can go analaysis menu without re-selecting Apps again.

Usuful Functions
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer suppports simple, intuitive and total dashboard so malware analyst can verifiy the status of server, stastics, results. |
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer can analyze hex values of selected files with Hex Viewer function. |
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer can verify the images of selected files with Image Viewer function. |
To determine malware or clean, MAESTRO Mobile Analyzer user virtual machine to analyze Apps by using the analysis of static, dynamic, code, string, network,, Domain, IP, etc. |

Work Process
MAESTRO iNSIGHT - Mobile Analyzer can extract IP, Domain information from network analysis so determine which locations is connected with Apps by using API.
The Forensic Lab Process for Mobile Apps Analysis