MAESTRO Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
MAESTRO Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform supports the integration of network and endpoint security products
and show the results of all the files whether is clean or suspicious or malicious.

Integration Map - Security Visualization
MAESTRO CTIP can integrate various security solutions in your organization such as firewall, IPS, Web proxy, Email security gateway, etc into one single platform.
It supports the integration map which provides security visualization.

The implementation of Cyber Threats Intelligence Platform
To increase the rate of detection and prevention of advanced cyber threats, MAESTRO CTIP uses multi A/V scan engines, malware sandbox, Domain / IP / URL / Email reputation services, machine learning, artificial intelligence, whitelist reputation DB, etc.

Security Integration
Integrating various network and endpoint security products into single platform. Detecting and preventing advanced threats, unknown malwares such as Ransomware, APT attack coming into an internal network. MAESTRO CTIP provides safe and stable network.

The Detection and Prevention of Cyber Threats
Against advanced and unknown threats such as Ransomware, APT attack, the latest malware, etc entering an internal network,
by using MAESTRO CTIP, we can detect and prevent these in realtime.

The Enhancement of Stability and Security [ Prevention ]
MAESTRO CTIP supports simple and intuitive user interface, analysis results, unified dashboard, easy management and integration.
It also supports the integration of various network and endpoint security products into single platform.
As a results, It can detect and prevent advanced threats, the lastet malwares such as Ransomware, APT attack coming into an internal network.
Ultimately, MAESTRO CTIP provides safe and stable network.
Collecting Files / Verification /
Management / Control -
Integration of Security products /
Enhancement of Security -
Detail reports
Intuitive and Simple User Interface
Automated Files Security Verification
Detailed analysis results